【學術演講】112年01月04日(三)邀請The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 羅蕙文教授學術演講

【學術演講】中心演講系列(RCCB Seminar Series) - 邀請The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 羅蕙文教授特別演講

時間:112年01月04日(三) 下午16:00
地點:水湳校本部 卓越大樓2樓 史丹佛會議室
講者:羅蕙文教授 (Dr. Hui-Wen Lo)
   Professor of Neurosurgery
   Director of Metastatic Brain Tumor Research Program
   Department of Neurosurgery
   McGovern Medical School
   The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
講題:tGLI1: A Novel Mediator of Breast Cancer Brain Metastasis, Cancer Stem Cells and Brain Metastatic Microenvironment, and An Emerging Therapeutic Target
主辦單位:中國醫藥大學 癌症生物研究中心
